About Our Community of Faith
Good Shepherd, Sutherland is a young parish. The congregation was formed in 1970 and the church building was opened in 1978. Our congregation consists of people having made their way to Sydney from other parts of Australia and around the globe. Reflecting the population of greater Sydney, we are a cosmopolitan and multicultural group.
The Sunday worship service with Holy Communion is central to the life of our community. It's the one time during the week when all members are encountered by God's Word. Public worship is a time of celebration and spiritual comfort. It's a time to be ministered to and have the opportunity to minister to others.
The Divine Service (Worship) is held at 9am every Sunday morning. Our blended worship service combines the rich liturgical traditions of our Lutheran heritage as well as modern hymns and music. The Word of God and the Lord's Supper are the central parts of the Service. Both focus on the Good News of Jesus. We believe that weekly worship is essential in the life of a believer, its a time like no other where we're nourished and renewed by God's Word and Sacraments. Strengthened by this encounter with God, we then go and live out God's purposes for our individual lives in the world.
As a community of believer's, we want to bring glory to God in all that we do. The Great Commission and Great Command are the foundation scriptures of all that we do here at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. We're passionate about loving God and loving our neighbour. We're passionate about winning souls for the Kingdom with our Lord Jesus guiding us by the power of the Holy Spirit. We trust God to guide us and lead us in all that we do. Triune God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - use us, though we may be small, to bring life and light to this world of darkness. This is our prayer.
The Sunday worship service with Holy Communion is central to the life of our community. It's the one time during the week when all members are encountered by God's Word. Public worship is a time of celebration and spiritual comfort. It's a time to be ministered to and have the opportunity to minister to others.
The Divine Service (Worship) is held at 9am every Sunday morning. Our blended worship service combines the rich liturgical traditions of our Lutheran heritage as well as modern hymns and music. The Word of God and the Lord's Supper are the central parts of the Service. Both focus on the Good News of Jesus. We believe that weekly worship is essential in the life of a believer, its a time like no other where we're nourished and renewed by God's Word and Sacraments. Strengthened by this encounter with God, we then go and live out God's purposes for our individual lives in the world.
As a community of believer's, we want to bring glory to God in all that we do. The Great Commission and Great Command are the foundation scriptures of all that we do here at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. We're passionate about loving God and loving our neighbour. We're passionate about winning souls for the Kingdom with our Lord Jesus guiding us by the power of the Holy Spirit. We trust God to guide us and lead us in all that we do. Triune God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - use us, though we may be small, to bring life and light to this world of darkness. This is our prayer.