What Is a Lutheran?

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As a Lutheran, my starting-point is the 'gospel' - the good news that God loves me more than I will ever understand. I see God's great love demonstrated clearly in the life of God the Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus gave up his life and died on a cross as a payment for my sin. Jesus' sinless life and death bring me into a right relationship with God, something I can never achieve by myself.
Lutherans take this good news seriously. Our central belief is that we are put right with God completely by the grace of God, his undeserved loving kindness. We receive this through faith in Jesus Christ (not by our own 'good works', the things we ourselves do). This focus on the gospel
is the reason for my church's existence and the centre of my worship and my life.
Lutherans take this good news seriously. Our central belief is that we are put right with God completely by the grace of God, his undeserved loving kindness. We receive this through faith in Jesus Christ (not by our own 'good works', the things we ourselves do). This focus on the gospel
is the reason for my church's existence and the centre of my worship and my life.
As a Lutheran I take evil and wrong-doing seriously. Evil and wrong-doing doesn't only belong to terrorists and criminals, but it exists in every human heart, also mine. It comes from self-centred desires and grips my heart and makes me an addict to it. The word of God calls this addiction and my broken relationship with God 'sin'.
Lutherans believe we all need to face up to sin, confess our broken relationship with God and our own wrong-doing (as well as confess our lack of desire to do what is right and good). We understand that only God has the power to deal with sin and so we rely completely on God to pardon and forgive us.
Lutherans believe we all need to face up to sin, confess our broken relationship with God and our own wrong-doing (as well as confess our lack of desire to do what is right and good). We understand that only God has the power to deal with sin and so we rely completely on God to pardon and forgive us.
The book called the Bible is very important to me because it is the word of God. This means it is more than a religious textbook, much more. I like to think of it, as someone has said, as God's 'personal letter' to me. God makes himself known to me in his written word. I read and hear of the love of God in Christ, of the history of God's people, of the will of God for all people and of the kind of life he wants for you and me. God's word to me arouses faith in God within me and builds it up.
With other Lutherans I am serious about my commitment to the word of God, wanting continually to learn from it, live by it and share its great message of good news with others.
With other Lutherans I am serious about my commitment to the word of God, wanting continually to learn from it, live by it and share its great message of good news with others.
Along with all other mainstream Christians, I believe there is only one God, the Triune God. The Bible clearly talks of three 'persons' in this one God, who are equally powerful and equally eternal: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit. Christians express this truth about who God is by calling God 'the Trinity'.
The Triune God is too great for me to understand, but I accept the mystery of God the 'Three-in-One' and I marvel at what God in love has done and continues to do for me.
The Triune God is too great for me to understand, but I accept the mystery of God the 'Three-in-One' and I marvel at what God in love has done and continues to do for me.
My relationship with Jesus is the most important thing in my life. Jesus is truly God and he is also truly human. He freely gave us his life to deal with the sin of all people in the world, including my sin. His self-sacrifice on the cross reconciles the Father to me and to others who have faith in him. Three days after his death, Jesus came alive again in order to show that he has power over death and Satan. Now he rules over all things.
Jesus promises that he will come again as the judge of all people, but until that day, he sends the Holy Spirit into my heart to give me faith and to comfort and defend me against the devil and the power of sin. I believe that this Jesus is my Lord and my God, yet he is also my closest friend who I talk to when I pray. He promises he will be with me always.
Jesus promises that he will come again as the judge of all people, but until that day, he sends the Holy Spirit into my heart to give me faith and to comfort and defend me against the devil and the power of sin. I believe that this Jesus is my Lord and my God, yet he is also my closest friend who I talk to when I pray. He promises he will be with me always.
Because of my relationship with Jesus I worship with other Christians each Sunday. I find it a delight to gather with other Christians for worship since worship is where we meet God face to face. The gospel is at the heart of all Lutheran worship. We confess our sin and are forgiven; we hear God's word read; we hear the good news preached; we receive God's blessing and baptisms and holy communion are carried out according to God's Word.
In worship God gives me so many good things, especially his love and forgiveness and his own body and blood to strengthen me. I respond to God's gifts by praying and singing praise, by serving God and loving others.
In worship God gives me so many good things, especially his love and forgiveness and his own body and blood to strengthen me. I respond to God's gifts by praying and singing praise, by serving God and loving others.
I have been baptised in 'the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit', as the word of God commands. For me, this was as an infant. Through my baptism God gave me new life and made me his very own child. I am now part of his family forever.
With other Lutherans I believe that God the Holy Spirit is at work in baptism. The Holy Spirit brings me and other baptised people the blessings Jesus gained for us through his death on the cross, 'forgiveness of sins, freedom from death and the devil, and life with God forever'.
Lutherans (along with Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican, Uniting Church and many other Christians) baptise babies as well as children and adults. We follow this practice since the Triune God promises to come to people through baptism with his love, forgiveness and acceptance, no matter what their age.
With other Lutherans I believe that God the Holy Spirit is at work in baptism. The Holy Spirit brings me and other baptised people the blessings Jesus gained for us through his death on the cross, 'forgiveness of sins, freedom from death and the devil, and life with God forever'.
Lutherans (along with Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican, Uniting Church and many other Christians) baptise babies as well as children and adults. We follow this practice since the Triune God promises to come to people through baptism with his love, forgiveness and acceptance, no matter what their age.
One of the greatest delights and comforts in my life is to receive the Lord's supper (or holy communion). Along with other Lutherans I believe that in the Lord's Supper I receive the body and blood of my Lord with the bread and the wine. This is God's personal guarantee of the forgiveness of my sins. In holy communion the Triune God again shows his love and forgives me, accepting me just as he did in my baptism.
Eating at the Lord's table with other believers gives me a glimpse of heaven and strengthens me for the hard work of my daily life. It also publicly shows that I believe that God's word and promises are 'certainly true'.
Eating at the Lord's table with other believers gives me a glimpse of heaven and strengthens me for the hard work of my daily life. It also publicly shows that I believe that God's word and promises are 'certainly true'.
I appreciate that the church I belong to is a teaching church that treasures Christian education. Lutherans encourage learning through individual and group Bible studies, in addition to the continued teaching and preaching of the word of God in worship. Individual and family devotional times are also valued.
The Lutheran Church of Australia actively encourages confirmation classes, Sunday Schools and kid's clubs, Lutheran child-care centres and kindergartens, as well as Lutheran primary, middle and secondary schools. It also maintains a tertiary training centre in Adelaide called the Australian Lutheran College.
These Lutheran teaching activities and institutions aim to offer the best in education from a Christ-centred perspective, placing Christian worship and God's wisdom at the centre of all learning.
The Lutheran Church of Australia actively encourages confirmation classes, Sunday Schools and kid's clubs, Lutheran child-care centres and kindergartens, as well as Lutheran primary, middle and secondary schools. It also maintains a tertiary training centre in Adelaide called the Australian Lutheran College.
These Lutheran teaching activities and institutions aim to offer the best in education from a Christ-centred perspective, placing Christian worship and God's wisdom at the centre of all learning.
Since God the Son gave his life for me when he died on the cross, I know life isn't cheap - all life is precious, a precious gift of the Triune God.
God created the world and all life, including me. He has given me 'my body and soul, my mind and senses, and all my abilities'. God has also given me the new life I have with him. My life in Christ began at my baptism and will continue after I die. I will live forever with my Lord. For this reason I do whatever I can to help preserve life within my community and within the world.
God created the world and all life, including me. He has given me 'my body and soul, my mind and senses, and all my abilities'. God has also given me the new life I have with him. My life in Christ began at my baptism and will continue after I die. I will live forever with my Lord. For this reason I do whatever I can to help preserve life within my community and within the world.
God creates and nourishes human life through marriage and children. Marriage is a gift that God designed for the good of individuals and for the wellbeing of communities. As a Lutheran I value my marriage. I regard my spouse as a gift from God.
Our children are also special gifts from the Lord within our marriage, and God has placed them into our care. I recognise that, as God's gifts, marriage and children need to be valued and protected from anything that could lower their God-given status.
Our children are also special gifts from the Lord within our marriage, and God has placed them into our care. I recognise that, as God's gifts, marriage and children need to be valued and protected from anything that could lower their God-given status.
The Lutheran church dates back to the time of Martin Luther (1483-1546) in Germany and was the first of the Protestant churches. Luther rediscovered from God's word that people don't get into a right relationship with God by 'good works' (such as living a moral life or doing 'religious' actions). Rather, God's acceptance of us is entirely a free gift received by faith in Jesus.
Luther was a reformer, not a revolutionary. He protested against abuses in the church of his time. He worked hard to reform church practices and teachings of the time that he and others saw as being contrary to the gospel. Lutherans today still know what we believe as Christians. In all matter of church doctrine and religious controversy, we continue to stand by the Scriptures and we accept the three historical Christian creeds (Apostles', Nicene and Athanasian) and the Lutheran Confessions because they show us what God's word says.
Luther was a reformer, not a revolutionary. He protested against abuses in the church of his time. He worked hard to reform church practices and teachings of the time that he and others saw as being contrary to the gospel. Lutherans today still know what we believe as Christians. In all matter of church doctrine and religious controversy, we continue to stand by the Scriptures and we accept the three historical Christian creeds (Apostles', Nicene and Athanasian) and the Lutheran Confessions because they show us what God's word says.
It is estimated that there are around 70 million Lutherans worldwide. Lutherans believe they are part of the 'one holy catholic and apostolic church', the body of Christ. Lutheran churches are therefore found throughout the world, with the largest number of Lutherans living in the Scandinavian countries, Germany, USA, Madagascar, Ethiopia, Tanzania, India, and Indonesia. Approximately 250,000 Lutherans live in Australia and New Zealand and are served by the Lutheran Church of Australia.
The Lutheran Church of Australia is in dialogue with other Christian denominations. It is a member of the National Council of Churches and of sate interchurch councils. In both Australia and New Zealand, the Lutheran church takes its place in the community together with other mainstream Christian Churches.
The Lutheran Church of Australia is in dialogue with other Christian denominations. It is a member of the National Council of Churches and of sate interchurch councils. In both Australia and New Zealand, the Lutheran church takes its place in the community together with other mainstream Christian Churches.
Dig deeper into Lutheran teachings and the Reformation through Lutheran Media Ministries' "A Man Named Martin" video Bible study series to discover more about Martin Luther; a monk whose Spirit-inspired grasp of God's justification of sinners through faith in the Saviour was the cornerstone of the Protestant Reformation.
Click on the images below to view each multi-session part online (free of charge).
Click on the images below to view each multi-session part online (free of charge).