From the Newsletter
August, 2016
- AGM - Sun 7 Aug @ 10:30 am
- Ladies Fellowship — Sunday, 21 Aug at 10:30 am
- Young at Heart (Young@♥) — Wednesday, 31 Aug at 10:30am
- Thank God It's Friday (TGIF) — 2 Sept at 6:30pm. 'Let's talk about mission' Bible Study with Pizza at church.
- Prayer — If you have any prayer requests please fill out the Prayer Request book located at the back of the church (for general prayer during worship) or for confidential prayer please contact the prayer group at: [email protected].
- Stamps for Mission — We are still collecting and sending! Please cut out your stamps and drop them in the box on top of the bookshelf by the kitchen.
- Church bookshop has greeting cards, wrapping paper & books, from 50c.
- If you would like to know more about what is going on in the wider LCA, you can subscribe to eNews at
- If you have any items or announcements you would like included in the next newsletter, please speak to or email David Brooks at [email protected].