continue in god's word
The young Martin Luther was a man desperate to be right with God; yet nothing he did gave him any assurance of this. Not long prayers; longer fastings, or anything his peers, or the church told him to do. His struggle and despair continued for some time, but finally, he found the answer he so desperately needed – in Christ alone.
Through Jesus’ being and doing and dying, we are made right with God. It is God who gives right standing through faith in his Son Jesus Christ, our Saviour. And where did Luther find this great news?
Only one place – the Bible. And when Luther questioned certain teachings and practices that made their way into the church, to where did Luther go? What was his rule of thumb? The Bible.
While others relied on human wisdom and authority, on tradition or logic, Luther, maintained that in all matters of faith and Christian living, there is only one sure guide – God’s word, the Bible.
Jesus himself spoke – if you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples, then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
We Pray For:
† The church, that it may not despair in times of trouble, knowing that death and hell cannot overcome it.
† The ministers of the church, that they may use God’s authority to forgive sins with wisdom and compassion.
† Those who serve the church with their gifts: those who prophesy, those who serve, those who teach, those who encourage, those who give, those who lead, and those who show compassion.
† The persecuted, the victimised, the exploited, those abused, physically and emotionally, victims of crime, those who are confused or misled.
Through Jesus’ being and doing and dying, we are made right with God. It is God who gives right standing through faith in his Son Jesus Christ, our Saviour. And where did Luther find this great news?
Only one place – the Bible. And when Luther questioned certain teachings and practices that made their way into the church, to where did Luther go? What was his rule of thumb? The Bible.
While others relied on human wisdom and authority, on tradition or logic, Luther, maintained that in all matters of faith and Christian living, there is only one sure guide – God’s word, the Bible.
Jesus himself spoke – if you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples, then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
We Pray For:
† The church, that it may not despair in times of trouble, knowing that death and hell cannot overcome it.
† The ministers of the church, that they may use God’s authority to forgive sins with wisdom and compassion.
† Those who serve the church with their gifts: those who prophesy, those who serve, those who teach, those who encourage, those who give, those who lead, and those who show compassion.
† The persecuted, the victimised, the exploited, those abused, physically and emotionally, victims of crime, those who are confused or misled.