From the Newsletter
September, 2016
- Michael Dobie, the NSW District Mission Coordinator, will be running the first workshop as part of our Future Ministry Planning Program from 10:30am-2:00pm on Sun 23 Oct. The focus of this workshop will be on "Vision, Mission, and Values". All congregation members are encouraged to attend. There will be a break in the middle for BYO lunch.
- Ladies Fellowship — Sunday, 16 Oct at 10:30 am
- Young at Heart (Young@♥) — Wednesday, 26 Oct at 10:30am
- The Sutherland Branch of Australian Church Women is holding a World Community Day Service at Miranda Uniting Church on Fri 28 Oct at 10:30am followed by a light lunch. The service theme is “Empowered by the Spirit”.
- Reformation Sunday will be celebrated on Sun 30 Oct at 10:00 am, please note the change of time; the Longest Lutheran Lunch will follow.
- Longest Lutheran Lunch 2016: We are celebrating this year on Sun 30 Oct, with an emphasis on outreach and a team approach. Coming out soon will be a simple chart where you can fill in your name to help out in these areas: Worship. Fellowship. Catering. Set Up & Clean Up. A handful of people have already put up their hand to “head up” each team, more details about the day will soon follow.
- Operation Christmas Child: Every shoebox is an opportunity to touch a child’s heart and share the love of Jesus Christ! It costs $9 to send each box; covering freight, advertising and teams for distribution. The donation money raised from the fresh eggs, together with a retirement offering on Sun 2, 9, 16 Oct will be our main outreach. Please feel free to make up your own shoeboxes, and bring them here, and we’ll arrange them to be sent off in October
- Prayer — If you have any prayer requests please fill out the Prayer Request book located at the back of the church (for general prayer during worship) or for confidential prayer please contact the prayer group at: [email protected].
- Stamps for Mission — We are still collecting and sending! Please cut out your stamps and drop them in the box on top of the bookshelf by the kitchen.
- Church bookshop has greeting cards, wrapping paper & books, from 50c.
- If you would like to know more about what is going on in the wider LCA, you can subscribe to eNews at
- If you have any items or announcements you would like included in the next newsletter, please speak to or email David Brooks at [email protected].